Flourishes are Fun! (Steven Roth & Ryan Holman)
The beauty and brains (respectively) of the Contra Syncretist YouTube series and blog (www.contrasyncretist.com) bring you fun flourishes that are enhancements to the dance as it is called and won't get you labeled as a jerk by other dancers. Specifically, we'll teach you some flourishes and style points that can actually increase the connections between you, your partner, and the rest of the set.
So, dear readers who are going, or who aren't but would like to help: what that we've done (or haven't done) would you like to see? I'm not making promises that we'll do them all, but we'll happily take them into consideration as we prepare in the next week-and-change.
(Also, attention single ladies: the weekend is gender-balanced and apparently they especially need a few more women to register and save the guys on the waiting list...it's not too late to late-register!)